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Rabu, 2 September 2015

Rozy's Chicken Begedil


Lonely. Siapkan assignment. Alhamdulillah semuanya dah siap. Alaaa. Assignment ICT. kacang goreng je. hahah. sekarang aku kat port biasa nak connect wifi yg laju. depan Department IRK. so , mana-mana guys yang masih tak tahu wifi laju kat mana , aku syorkan korang pergi lah bertapa kat bench department IRK ni. gambar ? hmm. tak sempat nak upload. hehe. lagipon sekarang dah maghrib. dah laa sorang-sorang. takut aku. 

Nak share sikit assignment aku ni. resepi pasal begedil. hehe. my favourite food !!

sebelum tu. minta maaf kepada owner blog gambar ni. aku tak sempat nak snap sendiri. just ambik je image . err. hehe, maklum laa. terdesak nak siapkan assignment ni. apa-apa pon. resepi ni memang betul datang daripada Aunt Rozy . Kadang-kadang aku panggil Aunt Rozy ni Teh Rozy. sebab ada pertalian darah sikit dengan family aku . :)

I would like to share with you about a recipe which has been exploded my taste buds eternally which is Chicken Begedil. It has been my favourite food since form 4.  I had this one friend named Izzati which I would prefer to address her by the name Eja.. She was the first person ever introduced me to that savoury food. So here's the story .

During fasting Ramadhan in 2013 , Eja gave me a box of iftar. I never expected that box was chicken begedil.  I ate together with her. I love chicken begedil so much after that. So , I decided to learn the recipe. She invited me to go at her house and learnt the recipe with her mother. Her mom's name is Roziah binti Hud. I called her mom, Aunt Rozy. Aunt Rozy is very nice and lenient.

okay. Let's start our recipe ! 

  1. 300 gm minced chicken*
  2. 2 medium potatoes (peeled , fried , mashed)*
  3. 2 tsp coarse blackpepper*
  4. 1 tsp white pepper*
  5. 1 tbsp minced fresh parsley*
  6. 3 tbsp fried onion*
  7. salt to taste*
  8. 2 eggs (beaten)
  9. 200 gm wheat flour 

  • In a large bowl , mix together all ingredients marked *
  • Take a portion in your hand and make small.

    -medium size balls
    -place them on a plate and give a little press on the top.
  • Dip the cutlet balls in the wheat flour 
  • Heat oil in the frying pan.
  • Dip the cutlet balls in the beaten eggs.
    -do not dip it too long time because it will be broken during the fry.
  • Deep fry in oil until both sides turn golden brown.
  • Drain on paper towel and serve immediately with chilli sauce and mayonis or any ways you preferred.
okay . ready to eat for lunch , tea time or dinner !! :)

haa. tu laa assignment yang aku buat. harap-harap menarik laa. in sha Allah. Aku dah usaha sehabis mungkin. Harap Allah tolong. Aminnn :) 

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